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Olimp T-100 Hardcore - 120 caps


Take care of your potency and normal testosterone levels!


Olimp T-100 Hardcore

  • Beneficial effects on libido, and on physical and mental activity (maca root extract)
  • Support for energy-yielding metabolism and thyroid function (oat extract)
  • Help in proper functioning of the nervous system (magnesium, vitamin B6)
  • Support in reducing tiredness and fatigue (magnesium, vitamin B6)
  • Help in proper muscles functioning (magnesium)
  • Help in hormonal activity regulation (vitamin B6)

Olimp T-100 Hardcore Mega Caps - what is that?
Olimp T-100 Hardcore Mega Caps is a dietary supplement by Olimp Sport Nutrition. It is a combination of high-quality plant extracts, zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. Individual components were tested for the absence of heavy metals. The tests were performed in the modern Research and Development Center of the Olimp Laboratories pharmaceutical company, and serve as a proof of the dietary supplement's safety of use. The product is also free from substances commonly recognized as illegal doping!

The hormone, which decreases with age, is mainly produced by testicular parenchymal cells (90%). Testosterone is primarily responsible for shaping male traits, positively influencing, among others: sex drive, sperm production and quality. Testosterone also promotes the development of muscle mass, making it easier for you to shape your dream silhouette.

When developing the Olimp T-100 Hardcore Mega Caps composition, specialists of the Olimp Laboratories pharmaceutical company could not ignore zinc. Important ingredients of the Olimp Sport Nutrition dietary supplement are two extracts: Tribulus terrestris and fenugreek, which, together with the zinc element, were included in the ELITE TESTO-SUPPORT BLEND formula. The product is also composed of other blends:
  • E2-Block (มีสารสกัดจากทับทิม ข้าวโอ๊ต พริกไทยดำ)
  • DIHYDRO CUT SYSTEM (มีสารสกัดจาก: Saw Palmetto)
  • ฟรี A.N.D.R.O. FORMULA (ประกอบด้วยสารสกัดจาก: รากมาค่า, ตำแย, แมกนีเซียม, วิตามินบี 6)
Olimp T-100 Hardcore Mega Caps - properties
Are you wondering how particular ingredients of the Olimp T-100 Hardcore Mega Caps supplement work? The key assumption of the preparation is to maintain testosterone at an appropriate level. It is therefore reasonable to have the aforementioned zinc in the composition of the product, which not only helps to maintain normal testosterone levels in the blood, but also to maintain proper fertility and adequate reproductive functions. Undoubtedly, the advantage of zinc is its highly absorbable form of the Albion aminoacid chelate, which is hypoallergenic, resistant to acidic stomach pH and does not cause irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Recommended use: 1 capsule a day during meals drinking with a large amount of water.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are recommended. Keep out of reach of children. Unopened, keep in a dry and cool place.

Warning: not recommended for children, pregnant, breastfeeding women or in case of hypersensitivity to any components of the preparation. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before using the product.

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